Bangkok at night. Images and content © Chris
Bangkok at night. Images and content © Chris


Tiger and Bird fighting above the volcanic plains of Mount Teide on the isle of Tenerife
Hola, we're Tiger and Bird! A husband and wife team who love exploring life together. We're occasional bloggers, amateur photographers, and always pizza experts extraordinaire! Our travel style preferences adventure over comfort, with a penchant to explore the unknown rather than the known. After all, a good experience can turn into a great adventure, and that occasional bad experience becomes a great story!

Originally a civil engineer by training, Tiger (Chris) is fascinated by large structures, whether it's the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, or The Venetian in Macau, China. Bird tends to enjoy experiencing new cultures and tasting - and trying her hand at making - new cuisine. She also discovered on one of our adventures that she's quite the adrenaline junkie, much to Tiger's chagrin.

To round things off, our philosophy is that this world holds only two type of people: friends we know, and friends we have yet to meet (it's not all rainbows and sunshine, but optimism is the best way to approach a happy life!). As followers of Jesus, we simply enjoy life and do our best to love God, and love people. Currently blogging about life and travel in Thailand.

Number of countries visited: 41

If you have helpful or fun comments or suggestions, we'd love to hear from you! You can reach us at the email address listed below.


Last Updated: February 1, 2019